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English II

Welcome to English II

English II or Sophomore English incorporates the study of literature, writing, vocabulary, and grammar to strengthen student reading, writing, and higher level thinking skills. Students will read and discuss a variety of literary works from the following genres: short story, non-fiction, drama, novel, and poetry. Students will plan, organize, create, and edit a wide variety of writing assignments including essays, open-ended response questions, daily assignments, major projects, and a research paper.

The course schedule is:
1st Nine Weeks: Genre Study: Students will review different types of genre using examples including short stories and articles.
2nd Nine Weeks: Argumentation & Research: Students will learn the art of debate and argumentation. Students will also participate in research project.
3rd Nine Weeks: Fiction & Poetry: This Nine Weeks will reading The Boy In the Striped Pajamas and studying various types of poetry.
4th Nine Weeks: Drama The 4th Nine Weeks will include studying the play "12 Angry Men".

For more information about my classroom policies and procedures, please refer to the provided syllabus.

English II Syllabus