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Heritage Spanish II

Spanish Two Syllabus
First Semester:  Preliminary Chapter (Spanish 1 review) through Chapter 2B.
Second Semester:  Chapter 3A through Chapter 5B.
PE:  What you and others are like and where you and others are from; activities that you and others do; a poem that describes what you are like and what you do.
1A/B:  School activities and rules; items needed for class; affirmative and negative ideas; the verbs -ser and conocer-; extracurricular and athletic activities; internet activities; comparing people and things; what people know or know how to do; the duration of an activity or event.
2A/B:  Getting ready for a special event; people and things; colors and fabrics; selecting and paying for purchases; daily routines.
3A/B:  Things you did in the past and when you did them; why you could not do certain things; the mall, sporting goods store, and pharmacy products; errands; what you purchased and where; driving; asking for and giving directions/advice.
4A/B:  The past: people, places, and situations; what you were like as a child; your family and relatives; activities you used to do; childhood toys and games; holiday celebrations; manners and customs; to and for whom something is done.
5A/B:  A story in the news; past situations and settings; an accident and what you were doing at the time; emergencies; crises; natural disasters; fires, weather concerns; rescues and heroic acts; parts of the body and injury treatment.

Realidades I

Review for Spanish I vocabulary and activities

Realidades II

Enrichment for Spanish II textbook


Spanish verb conjugation