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Social Studies Home

Please click on the teacher's name below to view their teacher page.

Emily Jackson - AP Human Geography

Jarrell Flores - World History, Athletics

Jason Allgood - AP Psychology, Athletics 

Jenny Gebhardt - Humanities, Debate 1-3, AP World History

Jordon Vierra - Athletics-Baseball, Government

Julie Fleischmann- African American Studies, Government, Economics

Kyle Gandy - World History, Psychology 

Randall Madesen - World Geography

Travis Kincheloe - Athletics, US History, IGC

Hunter Field- World History, AP World History, Mexican American Studies

Joshua Gleich- U.S. History, Sociology, AP Economics

Lauren Minton- World Geography, US History

Brittany Knicky- US History, Athletics 

Michaela De la Houssaye- World Geography, World History

James Key- World Geography