Planning & Courses
Interested in earning college credit while enrolled in high school? The links below provide more information and resources. For a snapshot comparison between the options, see the linked Comparison Chart.
As you create your Personal Graduation Plan (PGP), you'll need to make sure you fit all the required courses into your plan. The link above is a snapshot of the courses where credit needs to be earned in order to graduate in GISD.
Weighted / Rank GPA, cumulative GPA, and 100 Point GPA - Confused yet? Want to learn how they are calculated? Check out this tool, make a copy, and learn how to calculate your own GPA.
How do you make sure you plan for your graduation requirements? How do you plan your coursework so you earn an endorsement in a pathway? This is exactly what the personal graduation plan tool is all about. Click the link to watch videos that step you through the process of creating this working document.
In GISD, you will take a series of courses that will allow you to earn an "endorsement". The link shows the courses you can take in order to earn your endorsement in one of five areas.
The GISD credit guide helps counselors and families who are currently in GISD as well as transferring in. It outlines all the ways students can earn credit in our system.